Browse Items (9 total)

Assume Duties of District Attorney at Crowley Tuesday, Expresses Appreciation of Responsibilities.

Mutilated remains of Walter Byers, his wife and son found in a cabin this afternoon - heads had been crushed with an ax - crime was evidently committed several days ago - no clue to the murderers.

Declare that they will give aid in bringing murder to justice - Leading element have say - Condemn the crime and say that the tendency among colored people to conceal and protect criminals is wrong.

Negro woman and three little children hacked to death - Motive for crime a mystery - Woman and her little ones were cruelly assaulted with an axe - Sheriff Fontenot arrests two negro women on suspicion.

Lafayette Woman Accused of Murder Has Something to Explain - Clothes Stained With Blood - Have Been Identified as Hers and Dr. Metz Says the Stains Are Blood and Brains of Human Beings.

Ghastly Crime Discovered in a Hut in Western Part Of The City - Family Of Four Had Been Brained With An Ax - Coroner's Jury In Session But There Is No Clue To The Murderer

People of the coontown are in a state of terror and do not dare to sleep - Twenty-six have been slain within the past year and no clue has been discovered to any of the crimes.

Negroes Taken by Officers in Rapides Parish Monday - Held In Close Confinement - Names of Suspects Are Not Given and They are Closely Guarded in the Parish Jail - Long Chase for Fugitive.

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